Our Projects

Our Projects

Projects we have undertaken

Youth in Cassava Project


Under Young Africa Works in Uganda Project, WindWood Millers is working together with Private Sector Foundation Uganda, with funding support from MasterCard Foundation, USA, to create 5,214 decent and sustainable jobs for youths through the production and sale of 144,000 Metric Tons (MTs) of fresh cassava roots to WindWood Millers Ltd for processing into high quality flour and other products for the markets and 6,000 MTs of soybeans for sale to oil processors and other buyers, thus enhancing Lead Firm Structure for Youth Employment and increasing income and creating job opportunities through Cassava value chain.

AfrII’s Cassava Adding Value project (CAVA)

WindWood Millers has also worked extensively with AfrII’s Cassava Adding Value project (CAVA) in Northern and Eastern Uganda on High-Quality Cassava Flour for industrial use.

CAVA had been aware of WindWood Millers’ push towards cassava and was interested in finding flexible businesses that had high potential for growth and SMEs in the areas the project targeted. The company has worked with AfrII’s CAVA through the whole journey and was available the day of the company acquiring the flash dryer. We worked with mainly 17 farmer groups from Eastern and Northern Uganda through the CAVA Project that reached out to farmers and extended skills in good agricultural practices, trained them in using new processing technologies and also availed these technologies to the farmers, especially the use of raised metallic drying technologies to obtain a quality product ready for the market. These farmers were trained to hygienically handle and dry the cassava at the right time so that its potential qualities like the starch remain intact. CAVA set a precedent away from the traditional ways/ methods of placing it directly on the floor which highly compromised quality and these interventions greatly revamped the cassava value chain.

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+256 783 190937
+256 785 039195
+256 703 163391